Friday, October 12, 2007

A Breast Lift To Perk Up The Girls

Are you feeling a little saggy these days? You're not alone - age, weight changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can all take there toll on your body. Why not perk up with a breast lift?

A breast lift will make you firmer and lift the girls up. It will also enhance your nipples and areolas. Studies have shown that perking up the girls also perks up your brain with a real psychological effect and a significant boost to the self-esteem.

As you know, any time you have surgery, there is the risk of bleeding, reactions to the anesthetic, infection, or other complications; but all of this is very infrequent with a breast lift.

Also, you will be happy to know that your new breast shape will be remain strong, unless you gain or lose a considerable amount of weight, or become pregnant.

Once you have had your lift, you will need to wear a special support bra for about a month or until the discoloration and swelling has just about disappeared. Over time your incisions will heal and fade, but they will remain visible. Not to worry - they are located where they can be concealed with your clothing.

Your breasts may not be entirely symmetrical, and there may be a slightly different height on the nipples. You can always have some minor adjustments made after everything is healed if it really bothers you. Natural breasts have variations, so generally this doesn't pose any problems.

Occasionally, there may be loss of sensation around the nipple area or the breast skin itself, but it really is rare. If you have trouble healing, you may need revision surgery.

Age takes it's toll on our bodies and not just the breasts, thus with age and gravity every woman's breasts will change shape and size. At that time, you may decide to have a second breast lift, and perk the girls back up again. These day's, taking care of your figure and keeping your breasts perky is affordable to everyone.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Benefits Of Breast Implants

When life gives us lemons we make lemonade, so when life gives you oranges why not make cantaloupes?! Breast implants will not only enhance your look, they can give your self-confidence a real boost too!

There is no question that breast augmentation can do a lot for you, but of course, you need to be realistic too. Your new breasts may not always match your idea of an "ideal" body.

You need to be careful, and you need to be realistic about what differences it will really make to your body. You also need to make sure you are not doing this as an attempt to relieve depression.

In fact, when you meet for your consult with your surgeon he/she is going to ask you several questions to make sure you are a candidate for breast implants. Your surgeon will determine if you are healthy enough for the surgery and that your expectations are realistic.

If your surgeon decides you are a candidate, you will then discuss the breast size you want and also the shape and type. Saline is the most common, but silicone is back on the market. There are benefits and disadvantages to each.

You may be a good candidate for breast implants if any of the following apply to you:

1. You have breasts that are not the same size.

2. You have sagging breasts (you will need a breast lift not a breast enhancement).

3. You feel your breasts are too small.

4. You feel your figure is disproportionate based on the wrong size breasts.

5. You don't like the shape of your breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

6. You don't like the size of your breasts after weight loss.

7. Your breasts have lost their shape with age.

Your plastic surgeon will decide the best surgical approach to get the results that you want. Breast augmentation can give you the body that you want to improve your appearance and make you look and feel younger.