Friday, June 12, 2009

Implant Placement Options-- Which Do Surgeons Prefer?

According to a survey published in the March/April Aesthetic Surgery Journal, most plastic surgeons prefer to place breast implants under the muscle rather than over, with 62% choosing that option.

Breast implants can be placed either over the muscle of the chest wall, partially underneath, or completely underneath, depending upon numerous factors such as the desired aesthetic result, the surgeon's skill, post-operative discomfort, and recovery time.

Over the Muscle:

Breast implants placed over the muscle(subglandular)offer a rounder look than under the muscle options. It is the easiest technique to perform and offers less post-operative pain and a shorter recovery than other options as well. It also accommodates larger implants and makes creating cleavage easier. On the other hand, this option carries the highest risk of capsular contracure than other placement options. There is a higher degree of noticeable rippling and implant edges too. And many women find the rounder look created to be unnatural, preferring the sloped look attained by implants placed beneath the muscle.

Partially Under the Muscle:

Partial unders, on the other hand, conceal ripples and implant edges better in the top portion of the breast. They also create the sloped breast look many women consider more natural-looking. This option reduces the risk of capsular contracture as well, due to limited contact with the implant to the breast tissue and milk ducts. Like with the over the muscle placement, the implant is supported by skin only, so the risk of "bottoming out" is higher with this option than with complete submuscular placement. And due to the fact that this technique is more invasive than the over the muscle option, and because the muscle will need to stretch to accommodate the implants, patients will experience more post-operative pain and a longer recovery with this method.

Completely Under the Muscle:

Implants placed completely under the muscle conceal such aesthetic issues as rippling and implant edges better than the other two options. The risk of capsular contracture is lowest with this option as well. And because implants have greater support with this technique than the other two options, "bottoming out" is less of an issue as well. This option also makes mammograms results easier to read than the the over the muscle option. Creating cleavage, on the other hand, especially in women whose breasts are wide apart is difficult with this placement option. There is also more post-operative pain and a longer recovery period with this option.

As with all aspects of breast augmentation, surgeons tend to have their preferred placement option. Be sure to discuss various placement options with him or her before surgery to make sure you get the result you want. Placement options can affect the incision placement used as well as the shape and cleavage result.

For those considering breast enlargement, Temecula breast augmentation specialists at Renuance Cosmetic Surgery Center offer great information on their website. Or, consult to locate a board certified surgeon in your area.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Saline Implant may offer More Natural-Looking Results

Have developers really come up with a new breast implant combining the safety of saline with the natural-looking results of silicone gel? A clinical trial being launched this month is set to answer that very question. The new implant is called the IDEAL IMPLANT® Saline-filled Breast Implant. Though it is filled entirely with saline, the implant offers several layers of implant shell designed to control sloshing. The implant is also said to fit better on the chest wall, reducing the wrinkling effect often associated with saline implants.

Though silicone gel implants have been approved by the FDA since 2006, a recent study revealed that 60 percent of breast augmentations are still being performed using saline. Silicone gel implants tend to produce a more natural look and feel than saline, but fears of rupture and other health concerns still play a big role in the type of implant surgeons and patients ultimately choose.

The clinical trial for the new implants will be conducted by select plastic surgeons in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Southeast Florida, and Southern California.

Though these new implants are being tested in only 500 women initially, the traditional saline and silicone gel options are widely available now. For those considering breast augmentation, Jacksonville plastic surgeon Dr. Dean De Roberts offers great information on his website. Or, find a board certified plastic surgeon near you at and schedule a personal consultation.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Constricted Breast Correction

Though many who visit plastic surgeons do so to increase their breast size, several breast abnormalities exist which can cause aesthetic issues as well. For some women, a condition called constricted or "tubular" breasts can affect the shape and appearance of their breasts. This developmental breast deformity causes breasts to be very narrow at the chest and appear tubular in shape. Often, the tissue protrudes into the aerola as well, and the inframammary fold can be abnormally close to the nipple. Constricted breasts tend to appear much smaller than round breasts of the same volume. The breasts also often point downward with the nipples resting below the inframammary fold. Though women with this condition often know something is wrong, they may not know the cause nor the treatment available.

This condition can be surgically corrected with a combination of breast augmentation and a modified breast lift technique. The narrow breast base must be expanded to accommodate breast implants and the protruding breast tissue corrected.

Though the results of this procedure can be extremely positive, it's important to find a surgeon skilled in tubular breast correction. For a consultation for this condition, or if you're considering other procedures such as a breast lift or breast augmentation, San Francisco plastic surgeon Dr. Roy Kim can help.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breast Augmentation offers a Self-Esteem Boost

Though there are plenty of jokes and stereotypes out there about women who undergo breast augmentation, most women who seek it are really very normal. Yet the caricatures continue to portray top-heavy porn stars with gigantic fake-looking breasts, and those with such deep self-esteem issues that they practically live at their plastic surgeon's office. In truth, most women who seek out breast enhancement want normal, natural-looking results. And though some who seek breast implants may have self-esteem issues, most merely want a little boost to improve their their appearance.

But, that's no to say plastic surgery can't improve self-esteem to an extent. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida, breast augmentation does offer an increase in not only self-esteem, but sexual satisfaction as well. For one patient in Houston, breast augmentation did offer a self-esteem increase which she happily attributes to her surgery, saying, "it's incredible to walk around work and shopping with my head held a little higher and I have a quicker smile for the people I pass."

The women who participated in the University of Florida study had healthy levels of self-esteem before surgery. The breast augmentation merely gave them a boost. Plastic surgery cannot "fix" self-esteem issues, and women with true self-esteem problems are not considered good candidates.

For those considering cosmetic enhancement, Houston breast augmentation specialist Dr. Bob Basu offers great information on his website. Or consult the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website to find a board certified plastic surgeon close to you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Breast Implant Sizing: How to Keep Your Expectations Realistic

Women love curvy breasts and in their quest for lovely looking breasts they try everything from padded bras and breast enhancing gels to breast surgery. If you have gone crazy with the way women experiment with breast implants you don’t have to worry anymore as the Natrelle® Pre-Consultation Kit is here to help with your ‘sizing’ problems.
Introduced by the Allergan Medical, Inc, a well known brand in the world of body aesthetics, this kit has specifically been designed with the purpose of keeping women contemplating breast augmentation more informed. It helps them prepare before they meet their plastic surgeon for consultation. It’s a win-win situation for both the doctors as well as patients, since the doctors look for well informed patients.
So what can you find in the Natrelle Pre-Consultation Kit? Well, you’d find implants, a sizing bra and educational products in the kit that will actually help you see how you would look, and in a very a scientific way. You can take this ‘test drive’ in the very comfort of your own home.
Many women have myths about the sizing issue when it comes to breast augmentation. They hold false expectations about the size and then blame the surgeons or themselves for the way their breasts look.
If you want to be happy with the way your breasts look it would be sensible to keep realistic expectations. You surely have to be realistic even while you try to attain that ‘dream size’ because aiming for a size that is impossible or impractical would do you no good. Instead aim for a more modest increase in bust size.
With the Natrelle® Pre-Consultation Kit, implant sizing not only becomes scientific and accurate, but also personal, fun, and a private at-home experience that women can do at leisure. You can simply go about your routine tasks wearing the kit implants and sizing bra and see for yourself what your ‘practical size’ is.
Worry no more about the achievable size or your new look, just try the the Natrelle® Kit and get the exact idea of what works in real life at

Monday, March 16, 2009

Breast Augmentation a Tax Deduction?

According to a recent article on, breast augmentation made the list of "Top 11 Oddball Tax Deductions," coming in at number 7.

The deduction was claimed by "Chesty Love" a stripper who underwent breast augmentation to increase her tips--as well as her chest size to a whopping 56-FF. A Tax Court judge allowed the deduction of the cost of her surgery, equating the implants to stage props. Unfortunately, Ms. Love later tripped and ruptured one of her implants.

Other crazy deductions that made the list included pet food, body oil, a trip to Bermuda, beer, a swimming pool and a private airplane.

If you are considering breast augmentation, for a tax deduction or any other reason, San Francisco breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Roy Kim, offers great information about the procedure, recovery and risks on his website.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Breast Augmentation with Less Downtime

As plastic surgery becomes more and more a part of mainstream society, the busy men and women who seek it need to get back on their feet as soon as they can. Luckily, with advancements in techniques and treatments developing all the time, many plastic surgeons are able to offer rapid recovery procedures to their patients.

For busy patients seeking breast augmentation, San Jose plastic surgeon Dr. Lowen describes his rapid recovery breast augmentation technique to potential patients on his website. Using his technique, which promises a reduction in bleeding, bruising, injury to tissues, and pain, 95% of the 200 patients he followed were able to return to normal activity within 4 days or less.

For plastic surgery patients in New Jersey, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, thigh lift, and lipoabdominoplasty are all offered with reduced downtime by The Parker Center for Plastic Surgery. According to the Parker Center website, breast augmentation patients are able to return to most normal activities withing 24 hours of surgery. By using minimal incisions, medical tissue glue, a careful combination of drugs to minimize pain, swelling and bruising, along with other techniques, their patients experience a shorter, less arduous recovery than many expect.

Though medical advancements allow for less downtime after many plastic surgery procedures, it is still essential to follow your surgeon's orders after undergoing any procedure and not overdo it too fast.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Breast Augmentation Patient Shares Her Experience

Happy New Jersey breast augmentation patient, Ana, shares her breast enhancement experience with Youtube viewers. A figure competitor, Ana underwent breast augmentation at the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery and was thrilled with her results.

Ana reports being up and around soon after surgery, feeling good enough to email her friends about her results the very same day.

When considering undergoing breast augmentation, hearing candid reactions from those who have undergone it themselves can be a great help. That way you get a feel of for what to expect from your recovery and results. Ana reports being thrilled with her results, calling it "the best investment I've made!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Titanium Coated Implants - Breast Augmentation Enters The Space Age

Want breast implants that you can be sure won't break? Why not get titanium coatings? Let one of the strongest materials known to man make sure your breast implants don't break! Titanium-coated breast implants are called "TiBreze" implants. The technology was developed by two companies, Poly Implants Prosthesis and GfE.

Sound insane? Let me explain... First of all, it is not solid metal. The implants simply have titanium coating. This coating is created by nanotechnology, fusing the titanium with the silicone. It works just like a regular silicone implant and feels no different.

Titanium is actually one of the least toxic metals in the world. That's why titanium bonding is safe. Titanium works well with your body to prevent scarring and other breast implant risks. Researchers think that over time titanium will bond more closely to your breast, making your implants stronger and even more natural.

These implants are still in the experimental stage, so you may have trouble finding a clinic that does it close to home.

For more information on breast augmentation options available today, contact Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Bob Basu.