Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breast Augmentation offers a Self-Esteem Boost

Though there are plenty of jokes and stereotypes out there about women who undergo breast augmentation, most women who seek it are really very normal. Yet the caricatures continue to portray top-heavy porn stars with gigantic fake-looking breasts, and those with such deep self-esteem issues that they practically live at their plastic surgeon's office. In truth, most women who seek out breast enhancement want normal, natural-looking results. And though some who seek breast implants may have self-esteem issues, most merely want a little boost to improve their their appearance.

But, that's no to say plastic surgery can't improve self-esteem to an extent. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida, breast augmentation does offer an increase in not only self-esteem, but sexual satisfaction as well. For one patient in Houston, breast augmentation did offer a self-esteem increase which she happily attributes to her surgery, saying, "it's incredible to walk around work and shopping with my head held a little higher and I have a quicker smile for the people I pass."

The women who participated in the University of Florida study had healthy levels of self-esteem before surgery. The breast augmentation merely gave them a boost. Plastic surgery cannot "fix" self-esteem issues, and women with true self-esteem problems are not considered good candidates.

For those considering cosmetic enhancement, Houston breast augmentation specialist Dr. Bob Basu offers great information on his website. Or consult the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website to find a board certified plastic surgeon close to you.

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